Resource Files
Resource Files — Routines for handling resource files
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
enum GtkRcFlags;
enum GtkRcTokenType;
GScanner* gtk_rc_scanner_new (void);
GtkStyle* gtk_rc_get_style (GtkWidget *widget);
GtkStyle* gtk_rc_get_style_by_paths (GtkSettings *settings,
const char *widget_path,
const char *class_path,
GType type);
void gtk_rc_add_widget_name_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style,
const gchar *pattern);
void gtk_rc_add_widget_class_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style,
const gchar *pattern);
void gtk_rc_add_class_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style,
const gchar *pattern);
void gtk_rc_parse (const gchar *filename);
void gtk_rc_parse_string (const gchar *rc_string);
gboolean gtk_rc_reparse_all (void);
gboolean gtk_rc_reparse_all_for_settings (GtkSettings *settings,
gboolean force_load);
void gtk_rc_reset_styles (GtkSettings *settings);
void gtk_rc_add_default_file (const gchar *filename);
gchar** gtk_rc_get_default_files (void);
void gtk_rc_set_default_files (gchar **filenames);
guint gtk_rc_parse_color (GScanner *scanner,
GdkColor *color);
guint gtk_rc_parse_color_full (GScanner *scanner,
GtkRcStyle *style,
GdkColor *color);
guint gtk_rc_parse_state (GScanner *scanner,
GtkStateType *state);
guint gtk_rc_parse_priority (GScanner *scanner,
GtkPathPriorityType *priority);
gchar* gtk_rc_find_module_in_path (const gchar *module_file);
gchar* gtk_rc_find_pixmap_in_path (GtkSettings *settings,
GScanner *scanner,
const gchar *pixmap_file);
gchar* gtk_rc_get_module_dir (void);
gchar* gtk_rc_get_im_module_path (void);
gchar* gtk_rc_get_im_module_file (void);
gchar* gtk_rc_get_theme_dir (void);
GtkRcStyle* gtk_rc_style_new (void);
GtkRcStyle* gtk_rc_style_copy (GtkRcStyle *orig);
void gtk_rc_style_ref (GtkRcStyle *rc_style);
void gtk_rc_style_unref (GtkRcStyle *rc_style);
Object Hierarchy
GTK+ provides resource file mechanism for configuring
various aspects of the operation of a GTK+ program
at runtime.
Default files
An application can cause GTK+ to parse a specific RC
file by calling gtk_rc_parse() . In addition to this,
certain files will be read at the end of gtk_init() .
Unless modified, the files looked for will be
and .gtkrc-2.0 in the users home directory.
(<SYSCONFDIR> defaults to
/usr/local/etc . It can be changed with the
--prefix or --sysconfdir options when
configuring GTK+.) Note that although the filenames contain the version
number 2.0, all 2.x versions of GTK+ look for these files.
The set of these default files
can be retrieved with gtk_rc_get_default_files()
and modified with gtk_rc_add_default_file() and
gtk_rc_set_default_files() .
Additionally, the GTK2_RC_FILES environment variable
can be set to a G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S-separated list of files
in order to overwrite the set of default files at runtime.
For each RC file, in addition to the file itself, GTK+ will look for
a locale-specific file that will be parsed after the main file.
For instance, if LANG is set to ja_JP.ujis ,
when loading the default file ~/.gtkrc then GTK+ looks
for ~/.gtkrc.ja_JP and ~/.gtkrc.ja ,
and parses the first of those that exists.
Pathnames and patterns
A resource file defines a number of styles and key bindings and
attaches them to particular widgets. The attachment is done
by the widget , widget_class ,
and class declarations. As an example
of such a statement:
attaches the style "my-entry-class" to all
widgets whose widget path matches the
pattern "mywindow.*.GtkEntry" .
That is, all GtkEntry widgets which are part of a GtkWindow named
"mywindow" .
The patterns here are given in the standard shell glob syntax.
The "?" wildcard matches any character, while
"*" matches zero or more of any character.
The three types of matching are against the widget path, the
class path and the class hierarchy. Both the
widget path and the class path consist of a "."
separated list of all the parents of the widget and the widget itself
from outermost to innermost. The difference is that in the widget path,
the name assigned by gtk_widget_set_name() is used if present, otherwise
the class name of the widget, while for the class path, the class name is
always used.
Since GTK+ 2.10,widget_class paths can also contain
<classname> substrings, which are matching
the class with the given name and any derived classes. For instance,
will match GtkLabel widgets which are contained in any kind of menu item.
So, if you have a GtkEntry named "myentry" , inside of a
horizontal box in a window named "mywindow" , then the
widget path is: "mywindow.GtkHBox.myentry"
while the class path is: "GtkWindow.GtkHBox.GtkEntry" .
Matching against class is a little different. The pattern match is done
against all class names in the widgets class hierarchy (not the layout
hierarchy) in sequence, so the pattern:
will match not just GtkButton widgets, but also GtkToggleButton and
GtkCheckButton widgets, since those classes derive from GtkButton.
Additionally, a priority can be specified for each pattern, and styles
override other styles first by priority, then by pattern type and then
by order of specification (later overrides earlier). The priorities
that can be specified are (highest to lowest):
highest |
rc |
theme |
application |
gtk |
lowest |
rc is the default for styles
read from an RC file, theme
is the default for styles read from theme RC files,
should be used for styles an application sets
up, and gtk is used for styles
that GTK+ creates internally.
Optimizing RC Style Matches
Everytime a widget is created and added to the layout hierarchy of a GtkWindow
("anchored" to be exact), a list of matching RC styles out of all RC styles read
in so far is composed.
For this, every RC style is matched against the widgets class path,
the widgets name path and widgets inheritance hierarchy.
As a consequence, significant slowdown can be caused by utilization of many
RC styles and by using RC style patterns that are slow or complicated to match
against a given widget.
The following ordered list provides a number of advices (prioritized by
effectiveness) to reduce the performance overhead associated with RC style
Move RC styles for specific applications into RC files dedicated to those
applications and parse application specific RC files only from
applications that are affected by them.
This reduces the overall amount of RC styles that have to be considered
for a match across a group of applications.
Merge multiple styles which use the same matching rule, for instance:
is faster to match as:
Use of wildcards should be avoided, this can reduce the individual RC style
match to a single integer comparison in most cases.
To avoid complex recursive matching, specification of full class names
(for class matches) or full path names (for
widget and widget_class matches)
is to be preferred over shortened names
containing "*" or "?" .
If at all necessary, wildcards should only be used at the tail or head
of a pattern. This reduces the match complexity to a string comparison
per RC style.
When using wildcards, use of "?" should be preferred
over "*" . This can reduce the matching complexity from
O(n^2) to O(n). For example "Gtk*Box" can be turned into
"Gtk?Box" and will still match GtkHBox and GtkVBox.
The use of "*" wildcards should be restricted as much
as possible, because matching "A*B*C*RestString" can
result in matching complexities of O(n^2) worst case.
Toplevel declarations
An RC file is a text file which is composed of a sequence
of declarations. '#' characters delimit comments and
the portion of a line after a '#' is ignored when parsing
an RC file.
The possible toplevel declarations are:
binding name
{ ... }
Declares a binding set. |
class pattern
[ style | binding ][ : priority ]
Specifies a style or binding set for a particular
branch of the inheritance hierarchy. |
include filename
Parses another file at this point. If
filename is not an absolute filename,
it is searched in the directories of the currently open RC files.
GTK+ also tries to load a
locale-specific variant of
the included file.
module_path path
Sets a path (a list of directories separated
by colons) that will be searched for theme engines referenced in
RC files. |
pixmap_path path
Sets a path (a list of directories separated
by colons) that will be searched for pixmaps referenced in
RC files. |
im_module_file pathname
Sets the pathname for the IM modules file. Setting this from RC files
is deprecated; you should use the environment variable GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE
instead. |
style name [ =
parent ] { ... }
Declares a style. |
widget pattern
[ style | binding ][ : priority ]
Specifies a style or binding set for a particular
group of widgets by matching on the widget pathname. |
widget_class pattern
[ style | binding ][ : priority ]
Specifies a style or binding set for a particular
group of widgets by matching on the class pathname. |
setting = value
Specifies a value for a setting.
Note that settings in RC files are overwritten by system-wide settings
(which are managed by an XSettings manager on X11). |
A RC style is specified by a style
declaration in a RC file, and then bound to widgets
with a widget , widget_class ,
or class declaration. All styles
applying to a particular widget are composited together
with widget declarations overriding
widget_class declarations which, in
turn, override class declarations.
Within each type of declaration, later declarations override
earlier ones.
Within a style declaration, the possible
elements are:
bg[state ] =
Sets the color used for the background of most widgets.
fg[state ] =
Sets the color used for the foreground of most widgets.
base[state ] =
Sets the color used for the background of widgets displaying
editable text. This color is used for the background
of, among others, GtkText, GtkEntry, GtkList, and GtkCList.
text[state ] =
Sets the color used for foreground of widgets using
base for the background color.
xthickness =
Sets the xthickness, which is used for various horizontal padding
values in GTK+.
ythickness =
Sets the ythickness, which is used for various vertical padding
values in GTK+.
bg_pixmap[state ] =
Sets a background pixmap to be used in place of
the bg color (or for GtkText,
in place of the base color. The special
value "<parent>" may be used to indicate that the widget should
use the same background pixmap as its parent. The special value
"<none>" may be used to indicate no background pixmap.
font = font
Starting with GTK+ 2.0, the "font" and "fontset"
declarations are ignored; use "font_name" declarations instead.
fontset = font
Starting with GTK+ 2.0, the "font" and "fontset"
declarations are ignored; use "font_name" declarations instead.
font_name = font
Sets the font for a widget. font must be
a Pango font name, e.g. "Sans Italic 10" .
For details about Pango font names, see
pango_font_description_from_string() .
stock["stock-id" ] = { icon source specifications }
Defines the icon for a stock item.
color["color-name" ] = color specification
Since 2.10, this element can be used to defines symbolic colors. See below for
the syntax of color specifications.
engine "engine" { engine-specific
settings }
Defines the engine to be used when drawing with this style.
class ::property = value
Sets a style property for a widget class.
The colors and background pixmaps are specified as a function of the
state of the widget. The states are:
A color used for a widget in its normal state.
A variant of the NORMAL color used when the
widget is in the GTK_STATE_ACTIVE state, and also for
the trough of a ScrollBar, tabs of a NoteBook
other than the current tab and similar areas.
Frequently, this should be a darker variant
of the NORMAL color.
A color used for widgets in the GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT state. This
state is the used for Buttons and MenuItems
that have the mouse cursor over them, and for
their children.
A color used to highlight data selected by the user.
for instance, the selected items in a list widget, and the
selection in an editable widget.
A color used for the background of widgets that have
been set insensitive with gtk_widget_set_sensitive() .
Colors can be specified as a string containing a color name (GTK+ knows
all names from the X color database /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt ),
in one of the hexadecimal forms #rrrrggggbbbb ,
#rrrgggbbb , #rrggbb ,
or #rgb , where r ,
g and b are
hex digits, or they can be specified as a triplet
{ r , g ,
b } , where r ,
g and b are either integers in
the range 0-65535 or floats in the range 0.0-1.0.
Since 2.10, colors can also be specified by refering to a symbolic color, as
follows: @color-name , or by using expressions to combine
colors. The following expressions are currently supported:
mix (factor , color1 , color2 ) |
Computes a new color by mixing color1 and
color2 . The factor
determines how close the new color is to color1 .
A factor of 1.0 gives pure color1 , a factor of
0.0 gives pure color2 .
shade (factor , color ) |
Computes a lighter or darker variant of color .
A factor of 1.0 leaves the color unchanged, smaller
factors yield darker colors, larger factors yield lighter colors.
lighter (color ) |
This is an abbreviation for
shade (1.3, color ) .
darker (color ) |
This is an abbreviation for
shade (0.7, color ) .
Here are some examples of color expressions:
In a stock definition, icon sources are specified as a
4-tuple of image filename or icon name, text direction, widget state, and size, in that
order. Each icon source specifies an image filename or icon name to use with a given
direction, state, and size. Filenames are specified as a string such
as "itemltr.png" , while icon names (looked up
in the current icon theme), are specified with a leading
@ , such as @"item-ltr" .
The * character can be used as a
wildcard, and if direction/state/size are omitted they default to
* . So for example, the following specifies different icons to
use for left-to-right and right-to-left languages:
This could be abbreviated as follows:
You can specify custom icons for specific sizes, as follows:
The sizes that come with GTK+ itself are "gtk-menu" ,
"gtk-small-toolbar" , "gtk-large-toolbar" ,
"gtk-button" , "gtk-dialog" . Applications
can define other sizes.
It's also possible to use custom icons for a given state, for example:
When selecting an icon source to use, GTK+ will consider text direction most
important, state second, and size third. It will select the best match based on
those criteria. If an attribute matches exactly (e.g. you specified
PRELIGHT or specified the size), GTK+ won't modify the image;
if the attribute matches with a wildcard, GTK+ will scale or modify the image to
match the state and size the user requested.
Key bindings
Key bindings allow the user to specify actions to be
taken on particular key presses. The form of a binding
set declaration is:
key is a string consisting of a
series of modifiers followed by the name of a key. The
modifiers can be:
<alt> |
<ctl> |
<control> |
<meta> |
<hyper> |
<super> |
<mod1> |
<mod2> |
<mod3> |
<mod4> |
<mod5> |
<release> |
<shft> |
<shift> |
<shft> is an alias for
<shift> ,
<ctl> is an alias for
<control> ,
<alt> is an alias for
<mod1> .
The action that is bound to the key is a sequence
of signal names (strings) followed by parameters for
each signal. The signals must be action signals.
(See g_signal_new() ). Each parameter can be
a float, integer, string, or unquoted string
representing an enumeration value. The types of
the parameters specified must match the types of the
parameters of the signal.
Binding sets are connected to widgets in the same manner as styles,
with one difference: Binding sets override other binding sets first
by pattern type, then by priority and then by order of specification.
The priorities that can be specified and their default values are the
same as for styles.
typedef struct {
gchar *name;
gchar *bg_pixmap_name[5];
PangoFontDescription *font_desc;
GtkRcFlags color_flags[5];
GdkColor fg[5];
GdkColor bg[5];
GdkColor text[5];
GdkColor base[5];
gint xthickness;
gint ythickness;
} GtkRcStyle;
The GtkRcStyle structure is used to represent a set
of information about the appearance of a widget.
This can later be composited together with other
GtkRcStyle structures to form a GtkStyle.
enum GtkRcFlags
typedef enum
GTK_RC_FG = 1 << 0,
GTK_RC_BG = 1 << 1,
GTK_RC_TEXT = 1 << 2,
GTK_RC_BASE = 1 << 3
} GtkRcFlags;
The GtkRcFlags enumeration is used as a bitmask
to specify which fields of a GtkRcStyle have been
set for each state.
If present, the foreground color has been set for this state.
If present, the background color has been set for this state.
If present, the text color has been set for this state.
If present, the base color has been set for this state.
enum GtkRcTokenType
typedef enum {
} GtkRcTokenType;
The GtkRcTokenType enumeration represents the tokens
in the RC file. It is exposed so that theme engines
can reuse these tokens when parsing the theme-engine
specific portions of a RC file.
gtk_rc_scanner_new ()
GScanner* gtk_rc_scanner_new (void);
gtk_rc_get_style ()
GtkStyle* gtk_rc_get_style (GtkWidget *widget);
Finds all matching RC styles for a given widget,
composites them together, and then creates a
GtkStyle representing the composite appearance.
(GTK+ actually keeps a cache of previously
created styles, so a new style may not be
widget :
a GtkWidget
Returns : |
the resulting style. No refcount is added
to the returned style, so if you want to save this
style around, you should add a reference yourself.
gtk_rc_get_style_by_paths ()
GtkStyle* gtk_rc_get_style_by_paths (GtkSettings *settings,
const char *widget_path,
const char *class_path,
GType type);
Creates up a GtkStyle from styles defined in a RC file by providing
the raw components used in matching. This function may be useful
when creating pseudo-widgets that should be themed like widgets but
don't actually have corresponding GTK+ widgets. An example of this
would be items inside a GNOME canvas widget.
The action of gtk_rc_get_style() is similar to:
settings :
a GtkSettings object
widget_path :
the widget path to use when looking up the style, or NULL
if no matching against the widget path should be done
class_path :
the class path to use when looking up the style, or NULL
if no matching against the class path should be done.
type :
a type that will be used along with parent types of this type
when matching against class styles, or G_TYPE_NONE
Returns : |
A style created by matching with the supplied paths,
or NULL if nothing matching was specified and the default style should
be used. The returned value is owned by GTK+ as part of an internal cache,
so you must call g_object_ref() on the returned value if you want to
keep a reference to it.
gtk_rc_add_widget_name_style ()
void gtk_rc_add_widget_name_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style,
const gchar *pattern);
gtk_rc_add_widget_name_style is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.
Adds a GtkRcStyle that will be looked up by a match against
the widget's pathname. This is equivalent to a:
widget PATTERN style STYLE
statement in a RC file.
rc_style :
the GtkRcStyle to use for widgets matching pattern
pattern :
the pattern
gtk_rc_add_widget_class_style ()
void gtk_rc_add_widget_class_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style,
const gchar *pattern);
gtk_rc_add_widget_class_style is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.
Adds a GtkRcStyle that will be looked up by a match against
the widget's class pathname. This is equivalent to a:
widget_class PATTERN style STYLE
statement in a RC file.
rc_style :
the GtkRcStyle to use for widgets matching pattern
pattern :
the pattern
gtk_rc_add_class_style ()
void gtk_rc_add_class_style (GtkRcStyle *rc_style,
const gchar *pattern);
gtk_rc_add_class_style is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.
Adds a GtkRcStyle that will be looked up by a matching against
the class hierarchy of the widget. This is equivalent to a:
class PATTERN style STYLE
statement in a RC file.
rc_style :
the GtkRcStyle to use for widgets deriving from pattern
pattern :
the pattern
gtk_rc_parse ()
void gtk_rc_parse (const gchar *filename);
Parses a given resource file.
filename :
the filename of a file to parse. If filename is not absolute, it
is searched in the current directory.
gtk_rc_parse_string ()
void gtk_rc_parse_string (const gchar *rc_string);
Parses resource information directly from a string.
rc_string :
a string to parse.
gtk_rc_reparse_all ()
gboolean gtk_rc_reparse_all (void);
If the modification time on any previously read file for the
default GtkSettings has changed, discard all style information
and then reread all previously read RC files.
Returns : |
TRUE if the files were reread.
gtk_rc_reparse_all_for_settings ()
gboolean gtk_rc_reparse_all_for_settings (GtkSettings *settings,
gboolean force_load);
If the modification time on any previously read file
for the given GtkSettings has changed, discard all style information
and then reread all previously read RC files.
settings :
a GtkSettings
force_load :
load whether or not anything changed
Returns : |
TRUE if the files were reread.
gtk_rc_reset_styles ()
void gtk_rc_reset_styles (GtkSettings *settings);
This function recomputes the styles for all widgets that use a
particular GtkSettings object. (There is one GtkSettings object
per GdkScreen, see gtk_settings_get_for_screen() ); It is useful
when some global parameter has changed that affects the appearance
of all widgets, because when a widget gets a new style, it will
both redraw and recompute any cached information about its
appearance. As an example, it is used when the default font size
set by the operating system changes. Note that this function
doesn't affect widgets that have a style set explicitely on them
with gtk_widget_set_style() .
Since 2.4
gtk_rc_add_default_file ()
void gtk_rc_add_default_file (const gchar *filename);
Adds a file to the list of files to be parsed at the
end of gtk_init() .
filename :
the pathname to the file. If filename is not absolute, it
is searched in the current directory.
gtk_rc_get_default_files ()
gchar** gtk_rc_get_default_files (void);
Retrieves the current list of RC files that will be parsed
at the end of gtk_init() .
Returns : |
A NULL -terminated array of filenames. This memory
is owned by GTK+ and must not be freed by the application.
If you want to store this information, you should make a copy.
gtk_rc_set_default_files ()
void gtk_rc_set_default_files (gchar **filenames);
Sets the list of files that GTK+ will read at the
end of gtk_init() .
filenames :
A NULL -terminated list of filenames.
gtk_rc_parse_color ()
guint gtk_rc_parse_color (GScanner *scanner,
GdkColor *color);
Parses a color in the format expected
in a RC file.
Note that theme engines should use gtk_rc_parse_color_full() in
order to support symbolic colors.
scanner :
a GScanner
color :
a pointer to a GdkColor structure in which to store the result
Returns : |
G_TOKEN_NONE if parsing succeeded, otherwise the token
that was expected but not found
gtk_rc_parse_color_full ()
guint gtk_rc_parse_color_full (GScanner *scanner,
GtkRcStyle *style,
GdkColor *color);
Parses a color in the format expected
in a RC file. If style is not NULL , it will be consulted to resolve
references to symbolic colors.
scanner :
a GScanner
style :
a GtkRcStyle, or NULL
color :
a pointer to a GdkColor structure in which to store the result
Returns : |
G_TOKEN_NONE if parsing succeeded, otherwise the token
that was expected but not found
Since 2.12
gtk_rc_parse_state ()
guint gtk_rc_parse_state (GScanner *scanner,
GtkStateType *state);
Parses a GtkStateType variable from the format expected
in a RC file.
scanner :
a GtkScanner (must be initialized for parsing an RC file)
state :
A pointer to a GtkStateType variable in which to
store the result.
Returns : |
G_TOKEN_NONE if parsing succeeded, otherwise the token
that was expected but not found.
gtk_rc_parse_priority ()
guint gtk_rc_parse_priority (GScanner *scanner,
GtkPathPriorityType *priority);
Parses a GtkPathPriorityType variable from the format expected
in a RC file.
scanner :
a GtkScanner (must be initialized for parsing an RC file)
priority :
A pointer to GtkPathPriorityType variable in which
to store the result.
Returns : |
G_TOKEN_NONE if parsing succeeded, otherwise the token
that was expected but not found.
gtk_rc_find_module_in_path ()
gchar* gtk_rc_find_module_in_path (const gchar *module_file);
Searches for a theme engine in the GTK+ search path. This function
is not useful for applications and should not be used.
module_file :
name of a theme engine
Returns : |
The filename, if found (must be freed with g_free() ),
otherwise NULL .
gtk_rc_find_pixmap_in_path ()
gchar* gtk_rc_find_pixmap_in_path (GtkSettings *settings,
GScanner *scanner,
const gchar *pixmap_file);
Looks up a file in pixmap path for the specified GtkSettings.
If the file is not found, it outputs a warning message using
g_warning() and returns NULL .
settings :
a GtkSettings
scanner :
Scanner used to get line number information for the
warning message, or NULL
pixmap_file :
name of the pixmap file to locate.
Returns : |
the filename.
gtk_rc_get_module_dir ()
gchar* gtk_rc_get_module_dir (void);
Returns a directory in which GTK+ looks for theme engines.
For full information about the search for theme engines,
see the docs for GTK_PATH in
Running GTK+ Applications(3).
Returns : |
the directory. (Must be freed with g_free() )
gtk_rc_get_im_module_path ()
gchar* gtk_rc_get_im_module_path (void);
Obtains the path in which to look for IM modules. See the documentation
of the GTK_PATH
environment variable for more details about looking up modules. This
function is useful solely for utilities supplied with GTK+ and should
not be used by applications under normal circumstances.
Returns : |
a newly-allocated string containing the path in which to
look for IM modules.
gtk_rc_get_im_module_file ()
gchar* gtk_rc_get_im_module_file (void);
Obtains the path to the IM modules file. See the documentation
environment variable for more details.
Returns : |
a newly-allocated string containing the name of the file
listing the IM modules available for loading
gtk_rc_get_theme_dir ()
gchar* gtk_rc_get_theme_dir (void);
Returns the standard directory in which themes should
be installed. (GTK+ does not actually use this directory
Returns : |
The directory (must be freed with g_free() ).
gtk_rc_style_new ()
GtkRcStyle* gtk_rc_style_new (void);
Creates a new GtkRcStyle with no fields set and
a reference count of 1.
gtk_rc_style_copy ()
GtkRcStyle* gtk_rc_style_copy (GtkRcStyle *orig);
Makes a copy of the specified GtkRcStyle. This function
will correctly copy an RC style that is a member of a class
derived from GtkRcStyle.
orig :
the style to copy
Returns : |
the resulting GtkRcStyle
gtk_rc_style_ref ()
void gtk_rc_style_ref (GtkRcStyle *rc_style);
gtk_rc_style_ref is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Use g_object_ref() instead
Increments the reference count of a GtkRcStyle.
gtk_rc_style_unref ()
void gtk_rc_style_unref (GtkRcStyle *rc_style);
gtk_rc_style_unref is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Use g_object_unref() instead
Decrements the reference count of a GtkRcStyle and
frees if the result is 0.